And so, 2025 begins!

A woman artist and crafter with many hobbies fluttering around in her butterfly brain.

Being a multi-skilled artist comes with many challenges. The logic is to choose something and work on that if you want to be successful monetising your art. The idea is that being known for one specific thing, or particular niche is the way for people to remember who you are and to know what to come to you for. That poses many challenges for me. If I choose photography, what happens to my writing, my art, my jewellery-making, my sewing, my crafts? The same thing happens if I choose any one of them over another. it leaves me somewhat unfulfilled, to say the least. So, against all advice, and for the sake of being who I am, I indulge in all of my interests and offer them all up to you.

The problem only grows larger when there are new things to try, or new things from 2024 that I hardly explered at all. There are too many fun and exciting things to make and create, and I firmly intend to make sure I keep at it on as much as I can, as well as adding in new things to try,

How then, do I determine my own USP? What is my unique selling point when I like mainstream as much as alrternative? When I like dark and light both? When I appreciate happiness and joy and sorrow and pain equally? This year, my first goal was to work that out, and I am pleased to say that I have finally succeeded in laying out my unique selling point.

“Embrace your multifaceted self with creations that defy boundaries. I am a multi-skilled creator who seamlessly navigates between mainstream, dark alternative, steampunk, and fantasy, bringing to life unique jewellery, accessories, and art that celebrate freedom, diversity, and authenticity. My work is for those who don’t conform to one style or identity – it’s for those who embrace all facets of who they are, unapologetically.”

Although determining my USP, I find that much of my work is weighted towards mainstream. This is through a mixture of pure cowardice, and a heavy dollop of convenience.

On the cowardice side, I seem to still fear the weight of public judgement for embracing my weird and wonderful self fully. This year, that stops. In 2024, I made great strides in determining who I am as a person and came to a settled conclusion of “I am a creator”. Now, that may not fit what some people consider reaches to the nub of the big “Who am I"?” question, but for me, as soon as I spoke those words, my whole being settled into a sense of calm contentment. For me, that simple statement gives me peace and understanding. Last year, I came to terms with who I am, quietly and privately. This year, I will be fully embracing who I am for all the world to see, warts and all, as the saying goes.

On the convenience side, I have an enormous fabric stash, most of which is mainstream, so I tended towards working through that, Although barely making a dent in it. Start-up costs are high for small one-man-band sole traders and the starving artist cliché would be fully apt if I didn’t have an amazing powerhouse of a fiancé who has been vigorously supporting me behind the scenes. This year, I will be setting myself free, and my alternative nature will start to reflect more and more in my work, but without neglecting mainstream markets. I will finding a balance between my weird and my everyday facets.

I am starting this blog so that you can join me in my journey of trying out new things and growing old things and fully embracing who I am and how it affects my business. I am prepared for the ride of my life!


Goals for the year, 2025